ENERGY FROM WASTE: Waste-to-Energy plant with cutting-edge technology planned to be built in Slovnaft refinery

Slovnaft plans to build a new Waste-to-Energy plant ("CEZO") on its premises to replace the current sludge incinerator operating since the 1970s. The CEZO will be able to generate heat and electricity, using municipal, industrial and heavily processed waste as fuel instead of natural gas or oil residue.




Find out more about the planned CEZO. Why Slovnaft wants to build CEZO, what it will be used for, how it will recover waste and what it will bring to the public. Click on the link to open Q&A about CEZO


"We want to recover waste, it will help both, the industry and Slovakia," said Marek Senkovič, CEO of Slovnaft, in an interview for the magazine energie-portal.sk. The interview includes information on: 

  • similar facilities in Slovakia and why it is a problem if we do not have enough for the current waste amount, 
  • how CEZO can also help with historical waste in local landfills, 
  • čwhat such an investment means for Slovak industry etc

Read the full interview (in Slovak) by clicking on the link.



At the end of 2023 Slovnaft submitted its intention to build the CEZO according to Act No. 24/2006 Coll. on Environmental Impact Assessment and on Amendments and Additions to Certain Acts, as amended. Currently, the plan and its environmental impact assessment (EIA) is being assessed by the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic.


* 2020 overview

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