We have launched the 12th Talents of New Europe
- Talented young people can also receive a grant in the field of art, science and sports this year
- Slovnaft and the Central European Foundation have redistributed 66,000 euros in the 12th year
- Within the program, over 350 young talents have been supported at almost 720,000 euros for 11 years
BRATISLAVA, 5 February 2019 - Talented children and young people can join the Talents of New Europe grant program by 25 February 2019. Slovnaft and the Central European Foundation are also re-distributing 66,000 euros among gifted talents.
The Talents of New Europe Grant Program is designed for everyone from 8 to 25 years of age, who excel in their talents and who want to continue in the field of art, science or sports. The financial support can be used to buy a musical instrument, sports equipment or scientific equipment or participate in competitions, workshops and courses where they represent not only themselves but also Slovakia. Many of these events are held abroad and for many families with gifted children participating in these events is financially demanding. For this reason, Slovnaft and the Central European Foundation see great importance in supporting talent who are already achieving excellent results.
In the 11th Talents of New Europe, 24-year-old Dominik Bari, whose Oymyakon documentary reached the top 80 best documentaries in the world, has been supported by the American Academy of Arts, and has qualified for the Oscar. He spent the week in the coldest place on our planet, where they measured the lowest temperature at -71.2 °C.
“It is very inspiring for us to see what these young people are capable of managing in fulfilling their visions. The fact that they are successful gives us the incentive to continue the program,” said Szilvia Czuczor, CEO of the Central European Foundation.
It also supported 16-year-old Ondrej Vrabel, who developed applications for children with special needs, and Pinf Games presented these at an international forum in Singapore. Currently, 23 games are available in 13 languages and are used in approximately 1,500 homes in Slovakia.
“Our long-term goal is to support those who have the chance of succeeding in international competitions as well. We know that it is demanding, as we are one of the top exporters in Slovakia. We believe that through the grants we contribute not only to the development of exceptional talent but also to the positive image of our country,” said Anton Molnár, spokesman and director of Slovnaft’s Corporate and Marketing Communication.
Altogether, 350 young talents have been supported under the Talents of New Europe Grant Program, for which almost 720,000 euros has been redistributed. Last year, 54 children and young people out of 185 were supported, including 30 in sport and the remaining 24 in science and art.
For more information on Talents of New Europe, visit www.tne.sk