ISA – Fuels ordering application
Digital solution for fuels ordering
Easy way to order fuels for our wholesale partners
Convenient and simple solution for contracted Slovnaft fuels wholesale partners - ISA allows you to create orders, check credit limit, monitor orders and the status of all deliveries, even on your mobile phone using the myISA application.
- Manage your orders, deliveries and invoices
- Comfotable orders of fuels to your truck or with delivery to your desired location
Contracted wholesale fuels partners can order fuels effectively online via web browser or via their mobile phone.
To create an access, you need to complete the registration form, sign it and then send via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Once you receive an activation email from us, you will be asked to create your password and than you can start using ISA.
Using of ISA
ISA offers a quick overview of the status of your orders, deliveries and invoices, displays notifications or information about the available credit limit. The data can be easily and quickly searched and filtered. The layout of the reports can be individually modified. There are also news with useful and practical information about terminals or any current restrictions available.
ISA is available on desktop and mobile versions
ISA - Solution for computers via web browser
- reach ISA via "SLOVNAFT PARTNER PORTAL" and choose your language at top right corner
- log in via the web browser with your access data
- you can check tutorial how to work via desktop version
myISA mobile app
- choose according to your Android/iOS operating system, visit Google Play for Android/ App Store for iOS
- download the app to your mobile phone
- for help check tutorial