Measures Against Coronavirus Spread in Slovnaft Company
UPDATED on March, 20th, 2020
Slovnaft is one of the strategic companies in Slovakia and has an important function in the production and supply of fuels. Therefore, the company has put in place extraordinary security measures to protect its employees, co-workers and customers from the spread of the new coronavirus so that it can continue to supply its residents with oil products.
Selection of the most important measures taken follow:
Slovnaft Refinery:
- Production continues with the minimum number of employees required so that all technologies are operated safely, in accordance with applicable legislation. The refinery continues to work with employees mainly in production, maintenance, logistics, energy and laboratories.
- Preventive temperature measurement at the entrance to the production zone has been introduced.
- Employees who do not necessarily have to be in the refinery do work from home. They dispose of laptops and other digital tools.
- Protective face masks and other protective equipment are gradually distributed to employees.
- Hygiene standards have been raised and common areas are disinfected regularly.
- Meetings within the company and with external partners have been limited.
- Canteens and food dispensers are closed. Food for employees is provided in the form of distribution or through vending machines.
Service stations Slovnaft:
- Protective face masks, gloves and disinfectants are gradually distributed to workers at service stations and protective plexiglass are installed at the cash registers to separate the space between the customer and the service station.
- New hygiene rules have been introduced and operators regularly disinfect common areas and frequently used busy areas (including the surroundings of self-service coffee machines).
- Fresh Corner refreshments have been modified at some service stations.
- Some Fresh Corner restaurants give out packaged warm food through a window or door, others are closed until further notice.
- All kids' corners at service stations are closed.
- Customers are advised to use protective equipment (protective mask, scarf) and protective gloves when entering the service station.
- We encourage customers to use non-cash payments in particular, and ask them to enter a store individually, maximum up to two persons at once.
- Opening hours at some service stations for daily sales have been adjusted.
Information about the operation of service stations are continuously updated on this website:
If the Slovak Government or the authorities take further preventive measures against the spread of the disease, Slovnaft will also react to them, operatively.