In accordance with the Articles of Association of SLOVNAFT, a.s., the Board of Directors at its meeting on 19 September 2017, discussed and accepted the resignation of Ábel Galácz, member of the Board of Directors. From this day, his membership in the Board of Directors was ended.

Ábel Galácz was member of the Board of Directors since April 2013.

Bratislava/Banská Bystrica, October 2017

People who have an active approach to the environment can help revitalize public areas in towns and villages through the Green Belt Grant Program. SLOVNAFT, a.s., in cooperation with the Ekopolis Foundation, will distribute EUR 56,000 among projects focused on nature protection and improvement of public areas. The Program has involvement of local communities and active volunteers as one of its chief objectives. The deadline for admitting grant applications is December 11, 2017.

For over 10 years, the Green Belt Grant Program has been supporting construction, restoration and beautification of public areas, ecologically valuable spots and routes. Any registered non-governmental non-profit organizations, elementary and secondary schools, apprentice schools, free time centers and community centers as well as towns and villages may apply for a grant. The funds can be used to purchase seed, planting and landscaping materials, tools and other equipment that is in conformity with the project’s environmental intent.

”It is becoming more and more obvious that we, too, are being imminently affected by climate changes such that we have never seen before, including long spells of extreme heat, torrential rain, drying up of entire regions etc. The impact of such changes is manifested not only in urban areas.  Ever since it has been established, the Green Belt Program has sought to respond to current challenges in the environmental field. Thus in this year, true to our mission as well as name, we are focusing preferentially on implementation of adaptation measures in response to the climate changes," says Milan Hronec, Program Manager of the Ekopolis Foundation.

The adaptation measures include local, practical and effective measures for water retention, cooling - mainly in cities, expansion of green areas (especially multi-storey and vertical greenery), support of more effective water management, construction of green roofs, measures for prevention and elimination of torrential flood effects etc. “Many people have original ideas about how to solve water point problems in their neighborhood and it is these people we would like to support. Applicants may draw inspiration from the existing adaptation measures catalogue for towns and villages of the Bratislava Self-Governing Region,“ adds Milan Hronec.

Previous Year’s Evaluation

The 11th year of the Green Belt Program saw altogether 23 projects obtain a grant totaling EUR 56,000. Special support was given to projects focused on construction, reviving or restoration of public areas, particularly in towns and housing estates in order to allow children to develop their sports and motion activities and play in a motivating environment.

The expert committee agreed that the most interesting project in the 11th year of the Green Belt Grant Program was the project entitled “Braille system is not learnt from books only”. The United Boarding School for Students with Visual Disabilities based in Bratislava adapted its school garden to meet the needs of visually handicapped children, planted flowerbeds and a herb spiral, and installed tactile descriptive signs for blind users.

“During the eleven years of the Program’s duration we have succeeded in activating a great many volunteer groups and communities that have successfully implemented interesting environmental projects across all of Slovakia. Their efforts and results are an inspiration for others, who are now offered a chance to materialize their ideas in the Program's twelfth year," states Anton Molnár, Head of Corporate and Marketing Communications at SLOVNAFT, a.s.

Detailed information about the Green Belt Grant Program, the respective criteria and application forms can be found at the websites:, and

Further information will be provided by the Ekopolis Foundation’s Program Manager, Milan Hronec at
048/470 1095, 0911 452 457, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  • The application for the Freshhh program is now open until 3 November 2017 at
  • Freshhh is an international gamified competition for top university students interested in the Oil & Gas industry
  • Besides attractive financial rewards, many participants of previous editions launched their career within MOL Group
  • Over the last years, the competition attracted over 25,000 students from more than 70 countries

Budapest, 12 October 2017 – Today, MOL Group opens a call for applications for the next edition of its talent acquisition program, Freshhh 2017. Launched for the eleventh year in a row, this award-winning competition allows top university students interested in the Oil & Gas industry to take part in an international online gamified competition and compete for exciting prizes.

Freshhh is an international online student competition, where student teams consisting of 3 members take charge of managing an integrated oil corporation. During the competition, participants will have to make decisions on oil and gas field development projects, the construction of a refinery, and will have to find the best product portfolio. In addition, students will also get the opportunity to set the strategy for retail network development as well as decide on investments and network expansion. Over the last years, the competition attracted over 25,000 students from more than 70 countries. Many previous participants were given an opportunity to kick-start their careers within MOL Group as part of the Growww program.

The Freshhh competition consists of three rounds. First, participants will go through online qualification, during which they will have around two weeks to build up a newly established oil corporation and make day-to-day business decisions on Exploration and Production, Downstream, Petrochemicals, and Retail operations. As the next step, the best 40 teams will take part in the online semi-final, where participants will work on solving professional quizzes and case studies. It will be followed by the Live Final event, expected to take place in January 2018 in Budapest, during which top 8 shortlisted teams will compete for final prizes. The three best performing teams will win prizes of a total of 25,000 EUR. The deadline for submission of applications is 3 November.

The competition enables young talents not only to prove their knowledge of related technologies but also to make strategic decisions that ensure the highest profitability while running an oil and gas company. Freshhh is also a way to build students’ interest in an oil and gas career, and encourage them to work in one of the most desirable companies in the region.

„Looking at MOL 2030 Strategy, which is very bold in creating new business opportunities, attracting young, diverse and talented people will be more important than ever for MOL to succeed in its industrial transformation journey and the strategic turn towards innovation. Over the years, our talent acquisition programs, including Freshhh and Growww, have provided an efficient outreach towards international talents, and we see it as a great investment for ensuring the company’s success. So far, Freshhh have opened up compelling career paths at MOL for many finalists, and thus I encourage everyone interested in this of the most complex industries to take up the challenge and apply.” – commented Zdravka Demeter Bubalo, HR Vice President of MOL Group.

“Freshhh was an exciting journey of learning and discovery, and it helped me realize that working in such a dynamic industry as Oil & Gas was for me the way to go. At the end of the competition I was admitted to the Growww program and afterward was offered a full-time position at MOL, as a result of strong engagement and contribution in the ever-changing environment.” – added Dusan Ilic, Retail New Services & Omni-channels Expert at MOL Group.

About MOL Group

MOL Group is an integrated, international oil and gas company, headquartered in Budapest, Hungary. It is active in over 30 countries with a dynamic international workforce of 25,000 people and a track record of more than 100 years in the industry. MOL’s exploration and production activities are supported by more than 75 years’ experience in the hydrocarbon field. At the moment, there are production activities in 8 countries and exploration assets in 13 countries. MOL Group operates four refineries and two petrochemicals plants under integrated supply chain management in Hungary, Slovakia and Croatia, and owns a network of 2,000 service stations across 10 countries in Central & South Eastern Europe.

Press contact:

Tamás Berzi
m: +36 20 409 7632 | @: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • MOL Group has signed another contract with thyssenkrupp to produce polyether polyols and propylene glycol
  • MOL Group has now secured all technology licenses and engineering resources for each production unit of the Polyol Project
  • The Polyol Project will be the largest investment project of MOL Group in 2017-21
  • MOL will move further along the petrochemical value chain towards semi-commodity and specialty chemicals products as part of its 2030 strategy

Budapest, 19th October 2017 – Following the announcement made in July about entering into contracts with Evonik and thyssenkrupp to produce propylene oxide , MOL Group has reached the next milestone in its key strategic investment. The additional agreement signed with thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (Thailand) Ltd will cover technological steps to convert propylene-oxide into polyether polyols and propylene glycols.

The contract concerns the purchase of technology licenses, process design packages and front-end engineering design of the production units that convert propylene-oxide into polyether polyols and propylene glycols. Upon completion of the investment MOL Group is expected to become the main polyether polyol and propylene glycol producer in Central Europe.

The thyssenkrupp Polyol technology is based on its state of the art Jet Reactor design, which provides MOL the best available safety, quality, operability, flexibility and productivity.

Front-end Engineering including necessary product testing will be delivered from thyssenkrupp’s technology and R&D centre for Oleochemicals in Thailand. The contract also contains a pre-agreement for thyssenkrupp to supply and install the Polyether Polyol plant.

In line with its 2030 strategy, MOL Group will move further along the petrochemical value chain towards semi-commodity and specialty chemicals products, transforming into a leading chemical group in CEE. Polyether polyols, which serve as feedstock for polyurethane foam, were identified as the main direction in MOL’s petrochemical expansion due to their wide applications in the automotive, construction, packaging and furniture industries. Through this key investment MOL will become the only integrated polyol producer in CEE.

Propylene glycols, which constitute an additional product line in the project scope, are propylene oxide derivatives produced by most of the major forward integrated propylene oxide producers. Propylene glycols have a wide range of applications including the production of unsaturated polyester resins (UPR), personal care and pharmaceutical additives and other industrial applications.

By signing this contract, MOL Group has secured all technology licenses and engineering resources for each production unit of the Polyol Project. The contracts previously signed in July concerned the purchase of technology licenses and process design packages for the HPPO (hydrogen peroxide to propylene oxide) technology of propylene oxide production.

MOL secures additional licences for its key strategic investment into the propylene oxide value chain (the “Polyol Project”)

  • New portfolio of fuels in the entire network of Slovnaft filling stations has been given a uniform name – “EVO”
  • All EVO fuels have been provided with increased amount of additives that clean the engine and protect it in the long run from sedimentation and corrosion
  • Better care for the engine is reflected by its more efficient operation, lower consumption, less disturbance and extended service life
  • In addition to the new name, Slovnaft's service stations will have a mandatory European fuel labelling as a result of EU legislation

BRATISLAVA, October 4, 2017 - Slovnaft introduces a new portfolio of high-quality fuels into its network of petrol stations, which clean the engine and protect it from sedimentation. Tempo Plus and EVO fuels currently sold at all Slovnaft filling stations will be replaced by new fuels called EVO and EVO Plus with improved properties. These new brands will gradually be introduced in all 253 filling stations of Slovnaft as well as the mandatory European labelling of fuels, regulated by EU legislation.

Thanks to additives the new improved Slovnaft fuels clean the engine from sediments by up to 58 percent, as confirmed by an independent accredited company, better protecting the engine against pollution. A cleaner injection system contributes to optimum engine running, lower fuel consumption and lower failure rate. In addition to the EVO Plus premium fuel (previously EVO), an enhanced cleaning effect is also provided by basic EVO fuels (previously Tempo Plus).

The new range of EVO petrol contains 50 percent more cleaning and friction reducing elements. Additionally, the additives EVO diesel range was increased by 25 percent. With premium EVO Plus fuels, the positive effects on the engine, including the long-term stable engine performance and acceleration, are much more significant.ul

“Slovnaft wants to provide people on the road with the highest quality products and services. Until now we have always offered our customers the best quality fuels and we are still bound by this tradition. All the fuels went through a process of development which provides the consumers with even better quality. New type of fuels will be available across the network of 253 Slovnaft filling stations" said Timea Reicher, head of Slovnaft's Retail.

Innovated fully-additive fuels in the Slovnaft filling station network:

  New name Previous name
Standard fuels EVO 95 Tempo Plus 95
EVO Diesel Tempo Plus Diesel
Premium fuels EVO 100 Plus EVO Petrol
EVO Diesel Plus EVO Diesel


In addition to Slovnaft the new type fuels with improved features were introduced in the region of Central and Eastern Europe also by other networks of petrol stations which are part of the MOL Group. Customers can therefore buy EVO fuels with the same high quality anywhere. In Croatia these can be found under the Class label. "MOL Group has used its long-term experience and the latest knowledge in the development of the new EVO fuel portfolio. These innovated fuels are produced with the help of state-of-the-art technology and their modern additives provide the best care for the vehicle. MOL Group focuses on the customer needs and new trends in engine development. For the development of EVO fuels we have modified key components to meet the most important current needs of motorists”, said Lars Höglund, MOL Group Vice President for Retail.

The new trade names of EVO fuels in Slovnaft's retail network will be complemented by mandatory European labelling resulting from EU legislation. This unifies the designation of fuel at petrol stations throughout the European Union and makes it easier for foreign drivers to select them. Diesel has the European designation B7, petrol is labelled E5 and autogas is labelled LPG at all European filling stations.

Information on new EVO fuels and their effects can be found at

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