MOL Dynamic Garden 4T 10W-30

MOL Dynamic Garden 4T 10W-30

Synthetic motor oil for four-stroke gardening machines

Motor oil for four-stroke gardening machines including grass cutters, lawn tractors, rototillers, disintegrators, snow ploughs and blowers and power generators, year-round.

Maintenance tips for gasoline-propelled garden machinery

Running in the engine

  • Prior to the first starting up of the engine you should carefully fill up with oil using engine oil that meets the quality specifications described in the operating manual
  • Run the engine at lower than medium load level during the typically 2-3 hours running-in period, as prescribed in the service manual
  • Change the engine oil
  • Now the machine is ready for normal operations.

Check the engine before starting the spring gardening season!

  • Prior to starting the engine, oil the Bowden cables and check the starting gear! If it is damaged, it should be replaced
  • Check the status of the spark plugs
  • Carefully check the status of the air filter. If it is polluted or dirty, it needs to be cleaned; if damaged, it needs to be changed
  • Check the fuel supply system. Damaged pipes, cables and filters should immediately be replaced
  • Ensure the engine is free from pollution and dust. Be very careful to clean the cooling fins to avoid over-heating
  • Periodically tighten and check the screws, bolts and other fixing elements

Avoid breakdowns or failures by using the right motor oil!

Using the correctly selected lubricant, you maximise planned lifetimes and the performance of your gardening machinery. If the engine is not adequately lubricated, it will, sooner or later, cause problems and this could be the most expensive repair of your garden machinery.

One of the critical points of maintenance for a four-stroke gardening machine engine is adequate engine oil level and quality.

What should you focus on, specifically?

  • Observe the change cycle specified in the operating manual!
  • Regularly check the engine oil level!
  • When changing and re-filling oil, always use oil which is in compliance with the viscosity category and performance level specified in the operating manual!

! Motor oil with inadequate viscosity may cause lubrication and start-up difficulties. Inadequate performance levels may cause deposits and engine breakdowns.

Two-stroke gardening engines

  • Always ensure the gasoline-oil mix ratio is that specified by the manufacturer! Using the appropriate mix ratio, you can reduce the chances of engine breakdown, avoid spark plug problems and minimise pollution to the environment.
  • Engine oils recommended for two-stroke engines contain a pre-solving additive which facilitates quicker gasoline miscibility.

Important information about the use and storage of fuels

  • Four-stroke engines typically run on 95 octane gasoline
  • Always use fresh oil-gasoline mixes for engines with mixture lubrication!
  • Fuels should be separately stored in clean storage vessels specifically designed for the purpose to avoid inappropriate use. This will be of extreme importance if you have two-stroke engines with mixture lubrication
  • Using tanks made of material other than metal for long-term storage of gasoline is strongly advised because metal interiors become rusted over time and floating rust particles may cause clogging
  • If you wish to keep fuel in plastic tanks, make sure, prior to its procurement, that they are gasoline resistant, because dissolved plastic may cause extensive and expensive problems to the carburettor
  • Since lead-free gasoline treats rubber parts very aggressively, we recommend emptying the engine tank prior to the winter season and then keep the motor running to totally run out of fuel.


  • Four-stroke engines of small garden equipment and power generators
  • Snow blower engines
Product featuresBenefits
Excellent cold flow properties
  • Easy start-up even in cold weather
High performance level
  • Stable load-carrying lubricating film and high-level wear protection even under heavy loads
Exceptional thermal and oxidation stability
  • Resists ageing processes in the long term and harmful deposits are not formed
Outstanding shear stability
  • Sustains lubricity during long oil drain intervals
Are you using the right lubricant?

Data sheets

Performance levels, approvals


Typical properties

Density at 15°C [g/cm3]0,867
Kinematic viscosity at 40°C [mm2/s]76,9
Kinematic viscosity at 100 °C [mm2/s]11,6
Viscosity index144
Pour point [°C]-36
Flash point (Cleveland) [°C]230
Base number (BN) [mg KOH/g]8,0

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