Oszkár Világi

Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO

Chairman of the Board of Directors since April, 2009; CEO of SLOVNAFT, a.s., since March 2006.

Mr. Világi graduated from the Comenius University Faculty of Law, Bratislava, in 1985 and received his Doctorate in Law (JUDr.) in 1991. In 1992, he was cofounder of the Csekes, Világi, Drgonec & Partners law practice. In 1990 – 1992, he was a member of the Czechoslovakian Parliament. From 1996, he was a member of supervisory and governing bodies of several leading Slovakian companies, including Poľnobanka, Slovenská poisťovňa, Slovak Railways (ŽSR) and the health insurance company Apollo. In 1994, he cooperated in the establishment of the Central European Foundation and is a member of its Board. He  was a legal advisor to foreign investors in major Slovakian industrial restructuring projects (U.S. Steel; France Telecom; OTP Bank; MOL Group). Before becoming a member of the Board of Directors at Slovnaft in 2005, he was a member of its Supervisory Board. On the 6 March 2006, Mr. Világi was appointed as the CEO of Slovnaft. In April 2009, Mr. Világi was appointed the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Slovnaft and in April 2010, he became a member of MOL Group’s Executive Board. In addition, he was appointed as a member of the Board of Directors of MOL Plc. in May 2011 and on the 1st May became a member of the Supervisory Board of INA d.d. Mr. Világi is the Chairman of the Slovakian – Hungarian Chamber of Commerce & Industry, founded in 2012, and is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Slovakian Chamber of Commerce. On the 1st December 2016, Mr. Világi was appointed Executive Vice President of MOL Group and since February 2019 he is a member of MOL Group´s Chief Executive's Committee.

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