Project "Naše najlepšie" (Our best)

People in Slovakia who make a living in small-scale food production are in a difficult situation. The pressure of retail chains and the overwhelming competition of food giants force small local producers to think about how to secure the sales of their products while preserving their quality at the highest level. Under certain conditions, such conditions can completely destroy small-scale fair food producers. It is up to us to keep the tradition and the competence to produce honest domestic products in Slovakia. That's why last year we approached small Slovak producers to support their high quality production.

As the operator of the largest network of petrol stations in Slovakia, we offered the opportunity to small local producers of honest food the use of our network. Thanks to this, we will bring you, the customer, really first-rate domestic quality.
The "Our Best" brand is a selection of high-quality, fairly produced Slovak traditional food products from small regional producers who have not been able to offer their honest products through retail chains. When choosing them, we put great emphasis on:

  • A fair selection of raw materials
  • Slovak origin
  • Quality of composition
  • Exceptional taste
  • High quality
  • A traditional, honest method of production

At selected Slovnaft service stations you can also find honestly made cheeses, dairy and meat products, syrups, jams, honey, pasta, drinks and many other regional specialties of the best quality.

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