Slovnaft Master 95
It guarantees universal daily care of gasoline engines. It ensures longer life and smoother, more reliable operation without compromise in engines with multi-point fuel injection, as well as in more modern types of aggregates with direct fuel injection. Due to its economy and versatility, Slovnaft Master 95 is the right choice.

Contains bioethanol: In accordance with EU environmental regulations, Slovnaft Master 95 fuel contains up to 10% bioethanol (E10) to effectively reduce CO2 emissions.

For Slovnaft Master 95 fuel, its composition is key. It helps thoroughly clean the engine and contributes to restoring and maintaining optimal performance.

Reduces Friction*: Advanced additive reduces friction between engine fuel system components. Slovnaft Master 95 thus offers more reliable operation and higher economy.

Protects against corrosion: Use of anti-corrosion additives prevents corrosion processes in the entire fuel system, thus contributing to its longer service life.

The benefits of continuous and regular use of Slovnaft Master 95 fuel: The beneficial effects increase with each refueling and provide long-term engine protection.
* Compared to gasoline, which meets the minimum requirements of STN EN 228, as amended.