Please choose the category relevant for your company. If you are not sure about the right option, please contact us via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

You have not traded with MOL as a supplier yet, also you do not have Ariba Network account.

Please request your registration by filling out the self-registration form

After submitting the form, you will get the final registration questionnaire. When you get the filnal registration form, please also create the network account and fill the final registration questionnaire . You can fill the final registration questionnaire by logging in to your Ariba network account.

You have traded with MOL as a supplier, but you do not have Ariba Network account.

Your data have been migated from the prevous Ebidding system. In this case the self-registration is not needed. Please contact your relevant buyer from MOL or
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
 to receive the final registration form. When you get the filnal  registration form, please also create the network account and fill the final registration questionnaire . You can fill the final registration questionnaire by logging in to your Ariba network account.

You have not traded with MOL as a supplier yet, but you have Ariba Network account.

Please request your registration by filling out the self-registration form

After submitting the form, you will get the final registration questionnaire. You do not need to create a new Ariba Network (AN) account. You can fill the final registration questionnaire by logging in to your account.

You have traded with MOL as a supplier and also you have Ariba Network account.

Your data have been migated from the prevous Ebidding system. In this case the registration is not needed. Please click on “Log in” button in the email you received from MOL. Upon logging in your Ariba Network account, you can answer questionnaires, respond to RFP/RFI, submit proposals, and negotiate contracts, receive Purchase Orders from MOL Group and submit Order Confirmations.

Registration process


Complete the self-registration formThis step is only needed if you have NOT traded with MOL yet.

If you have traded with MOL already, please contact your buyer from MOL or  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to receive the final registration form.


You will receive an email from MOL Group with “Sign up” or “Log in” link to SAP Ariba Network.

If you do not have an SAP Ariba Network account, click Sign up and create your account.

If you have an SAP Ariba Network Supplier account, please log in.


You will receive an email confirming your registration as MOL Group Supplier.


You will receive an email confirming your registration as MOL Group Supplier.



You will now be able to respond to sourcing events, orders from MOL Group, receive purchase orders and send order confirmations.

Useful links


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