Slovnaft Petrochemicals, s.r.o. (SPC) is planning to merge with its parent company SLOVNAFT, a.s. on January, 1, 2013. The competent authorities of both companies have decided upon this intention. General assembly of the SPC will definitely decide upon the petrochemical production incorporation into the parent company in the last quarter of this year. Merger of these companies should contribute to the costs reduction, efficiency gains and improvement of approach to financing the development activities in plastics production. Slovnaft intends to invest almost EUR 320 million in petrochemical industry until 2015 and to construct a new polyethylene production unit for EUR 204 million.

Plastics production formed part of Slovnaft until 2006 when it was separated from a stand-alone subsidiary Slovnaft Petrochemicals. Consolidation of petrochemical activities within the MOL Group was the reason for such action. After 2008, the business conditions in this sector deteriorated significantly - that was a reflection of global economic situation. At present, the petrochemical segment is being negatively influenced by low margins on the side of basic plastics production and by increasing pressure by new producers from the Middle and Far East areas.

“Merger of these two companies will enable us to ensure more favorable conditions to finance our petrochemical projects. After the global economy recovery, these investments are a key criterion for the results improvement in the production and sale of plastics,” said Oszkár Világi, the Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of SLOVNAFT, a.s. company.

Construction of a new unit for polyethylene production belongs to the biggest investments in the plastics segment in this region. Slovnaft intends to use resources from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, commercial loan and its own resources for this purpose. A part of the company development plans is the ethylene unit reconstruction and construction of a new logistics infrastructure for the new polyethylene production unit. Improving competitiveness of the company, better ecological parameters regarding the production and product portfolio diversification will be the result of these investments.

Further information regarding the proposed merger of Slovnaft Petrochemicals and Slovnaft company will be placed on webpage in accordance with legislative requirements.

The decrease in demand for oil products and lower sales due to implemented general revisions reduced net sales of the SLOVNAFT Group by 7 percent to EUR 2.13 billion year-on-year in the first half of 2012. Operating profit adjusted for current cost of supplies (CCS)[2] decreased by 78 percent to EUR 9 million year-on-year.

The key factors that influenced the level of operating results in the first half of the year:

  • decreased demand for motor fuels
  • high price of oil and other raw materials and energies
  • persisting low difference between international prices of basic plastics and prices of raw materials
  • unfavorable position of exchange rate of the Euro against the Dollar

“The situation in the European refining sector did not change dramatically in the second quarter of 2012. The decreased demand for fuels continued, the market was even under the pressure caused by high oil prices, energy and biocomponents costs and by weakening of the Euro against the Dollar. The petrochemical segment was marked by historically low processing margin of basic plastics developed by European consumers' demand stagnation, as well as by increasing pressure from new producers in the Middle and Far East. The SLOVNAFT Group did not avoid these influences. The company - in these difficult times for refineries - implemented significant scale of general revisions in the key production units. We aim to create space for the full operational capability in the future when the market conditions improve,” Oszkár Világi, the Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of SLOVNAFT, a.s., company said.

The capital expenditures of SLOVNAFT Group were EUR 90 million in the first half of the year and increased by more than 50 percent year-on-year. Half of investments was spent on projects ensuring production efficiency improvement, keeping of operational reliability and improving the production process quality. The overall increase was influenced mainly by general revisions in months of April and May and also by the catalysts replacement.

Slovnaft plans, together with the parent multinational group MOL, to carry out investments amounting to several hundred million Euros in the coming years.

“Although we cannot predict further developments of the oil processing sector, we maintain our strong investment program and, following the completion of heating plant reconstruction, we are focusing on the construction of a new petrochemical unit producing polyethylene. We are also going to participate actively in the reconstruction and increasing the transport capacity of the strategic connection of Slovakia to the international Adria pipeline in strong cooperation with MOL Group,” Oszkár Világi added.

Slovnaft company processed 2,63 million tons of oil in the first half of 2012 in Bratislava refinery, which was by 12 percent less than in the same period last year. The decline was caused by technology layoffs for the purpose of inspection, as well as by decreased demand for motor fuels.

The gasoline production decreased by 7 percent to 662 thousand tons compared to the first six months of 2011. Diesel production reached 1.32 million tons and decreased by 15 percent year-on-year. The decline also influenced the production of petrochemical products in the first half of the year. The majority of Slovnaft's products was exported.

The company operated 209 filling stations as by the end of June. Their number remained unchanged compared to the previous quarter. Slovnaft continued in reconstruction and modernization of filling stations net and also construction of 3 new filling stations located on D1 highway. They should be completed and put into operation in the fourth quarter of this year.

The sale of fuels at filling stations in Slovakia decreased by 6.7 percent because of record high fuel prices and economic crisis in the first half of the year. The interest in gasoline decreased (10.2 percent year-on-year), sales of diesel decreased by 5.4 percent. In contrast, sales of LPG was marked by nearly 15 percent increase. SLOVNAFT Group had 3608 employees at the end of June this year and its network of filling stations were operated by other approx. 1700 business partners' employees.

For more information on the results of SLOVNAFT Group visit:

[1] CCS is a method that is used in commodity-dependent industries. A number of companies, such as BP or Shell, use the CSS method to eliminate differences of various inventory revaluation methods that arise due to movements in prices quoted, in order to provide shareholders and capital markets with a realistic picture of their business.

Annual general meeting (AGM) of Slovnaft shareholders today decided that the net income for 2011 of EUR 1 442 633,63 will be allocated to retained earnings. The company won’t pay dividends to its shareholders.

Shareholders also discussed the company’s annual report and approved regular individual and consolidated financial statements for 2011. By moving last year’s profit on the account of retained earnings the company wants to wider the space for its further development. „I believe that, thanks to this robust investment programme, as well as our on-going search for new ways of increasing internal effectiveness and their implementation and our search for new markets for our products, we shall be able to eliminate the unpredictable developments seen in the external environment in 2012,“ said Oszkár Világi, the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the CEO of SLOVNAFT.

Unlike the join stock company Slovnaft, last year the whole SLOVNAFT Group reported operating loss of EUR 11,9 million. The most significant impact on the economy had the adversely evolving external environment which drove oil prices year on year 40% higher. The high global over supply of oil products, weak customers demand, in general, did not allow refineries their increased production and distribution costs to be reflected into product prices. Following the decision of AGM were as the Board members elected Mr. Ferenc Horváth, current executive vice president of MOL Downstream and Mr. Peter Chmurčiak, former head of Refining and Marketing of INA d.d. and current CEO of Slovnaft Petrochemicals.

AGM elected also Mr. Szabolcs Ferencz I. and Mrs. Krisztína Dorogházi as the Supervisory Board members. Slovnaft´s majority shareholder is an international oil and gas company MOL with 98,4 percent share and other shareholders with 1,6 percent of share.

Compared to the same period of the last year SLOVNAFT Group increased net income by 2 per cent to EUR 1.11 billion in the first quarter of 2012. The growth was supported by higher quoted prices of refined products, which however did not impact the Group‘s operating results. Operating profit adjusted for current costs of supplies (CCS)[2] dropped year-on-year by 68 per cent down to EUR 9 million.

Key factors that influenced the operating result:

  • Higher production costs caused particularly by increased oil prices
  • Higher costs of procured and consumed energies
  • Decrease in consumption of motor fuels in European markets
  • Lower difference among international prices of basic plastics and prices of input materials and energies needed for the production

"At the beginning of 2012 the refinery business was still under pressure that the SLOVNAFT Group could not avoid, too. Historical record prices of oil and oil products on stock exchanges, in response to the continued impact of the economic recession in Europe, negatively affected demand by households and business customers. This development had caused that the already low processing margins throughout the oil and petrochemical industries did not improve. Moreover, there were also logistical constraints during the cold February weeks in normally economically advantageous products waterways on the Danube River. The perspective of the further period remains difficult to estimate, and therefore we remain maximum vigilant with all types of operating costs. In parallel we will focus on major investment projects that will strengthen the Group's future strategic position in domestic and foreign markets", said the result of Chairman of the SLOVNAFT Board of Directors and CEO Oszkár Világi commented on the results.

Capital expenditures of the Slovnaft Group in the first quarter amounted to EUR 26 million. Investments were directed to increasing of production efficiency, keeping of operational reliability and improving of the production process quality. The decrease of investments by EUR 12 million compared to the same period of 2011 is mainly due to the use of different timing of expenditure in both years, while the ambitious investment plan of the coming period remains unchanged.

Slovnaft plans, together with the parent multinational group MOL, to carry out investments amounting to several hundred million euros in the coming years. The most important ones include the construction of a new petrochemical unit for production of polyethylene, and the strategic project of modernising and increasing of transport capacity of the pipeline link between Slovakia and Hungary.

Both key projects, which follow-up to the project of modernisation and increase of combustion capacity of the heating plant, currently in completion, will enable to maintain in long term the traditional petrochemical production and high employment in the Bratislava plant of the Slovnaft Group and also substantially strengthen the oil stableness and self-sufficiency in the production of Slovak petroleum products.

In the first quarter of 2012 Slovnaft processed in Bratislava refinery 1.44 million tons of oil that was three per cent less than in the same period of the previous year. The drop was due to lower motor fuels and primary plastics demand in Europe, as well as adverse weather conditions making export and the subsequent sale more difficult.

Gasoline production compared to the first three months of 2011 went year-on-year down by 5 per cent to 331 kt, similarly the production of diesel fuel decreased down to 734 kt. In the first quarter the Company produced only diesel fuel with low sulphur content, of which more than two thirds was diesel with FAME (MERO - colza methyl ester) bio-component. The production of petrochemicals dropped down too in the first quarter. Most of the Slovnaft production was exported.

At the end of March the company operated 209 fuel stations; the number remained unchanged in comparison with the previous quarter. Slovnaft continued in their reconstruction in the beginning of the year, and launched the construction of three new ones on the D1 highway.Sales of fuels at retail network in Slovakia in the first quarter dropped down by 6.6 per cent due to record-high fuel prices, bad weather and low general economic activity. Compared to the last year, not only interest in gasoline but also in diesel dropped down this year, reflecting weaker economic performance of Slovakia and other EU countries.

At the end of March this year the SLOVNAFT Group had 3,630 employees and its network of fuel stations was operated by additional roughly 1,700 employees of business partners.

Detailed information about the SLOVNAFT Group results is available on:

Anton Molnár
Spokesperson and Director of Corporate Communications
cell: +421 905 393 161
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Net sales of the SLOVNAFT Group in the past year increased year-on-year by 35 per cent up to EUR 4.73 billion. The increase was supported by higher quoted prices of refined products and improved sales structure. However, even these factors had not been able to avoid the impact of adverse external environment developments completely, due to which the Group’s economy got worse. SLOVNAFT Group ended the year of 2011 with the negative result of EUR 19 million, which was caused particularly by worse results in the last quarter.

The operation loss of the Slovnaft Group amounted to 12 million euros in last year. Deterioration of the operation result was affected primarily by higher costs of production due to increased oil prices, higher energy costs and reduced integrated petrochemical margin, as quoted prices of polymer products did not correspond to high raw material prices.

„Given the uncertain global situation in the industry, we are very careful in forecasting the next period, and therefore we focus on production efficiency increasing projects in order to maintain the company's performance in this harsh environment. The projects include construction of a new LDPE unit with planned completion in 2015, which in addition to increasing our flexibility also aims at taking the opportunities of enlarged production chain“, Oszkár Világi, the Chairman of Board of Directors and CEO of SLOVNAFT commented on the outcomes.

Despite worse results in 2011, the Group continued in its strong investment programme. Capital expenditures increased year-on-year by 19 per cent to EUR 119 million. Significant part of investments totalling EUR 81 million was spent on projects ensuring production efficiency improvement, keeping of operational reliability and improving the production process quality.

Crude oil processing in 2011 increased year-on-year by 10 per cent to 5991 kt, which was supported by a lower scope of turnarounds in the first half of the year. Compared to 2010, gasoline production increased year-on-year by 12 percent in 1474 kt, diesel production increased year-on-year by 13 per cent to 3,203 kt due to higher demand. Production of petrochemicals increased, too. The majority, nearly 72 percent of revenues from sales of petroleum products, were received from exports.

As of the end of December 2011 the Company operated 209 petrol stations - the number remained unchanged compared to the previous year. Reconstruction of stations continued in the last year; 35 stations offer services to customers in the new NEO design concept. Replacement of refuelling stands and reconstruction of shops helped maintain the market share of the SLOVNAFT network within the Slovak Association of Petroleum Industry and Trade (SAPPO) above the level of 36 per cent.

At the end of December last year, the SLOVNAFT Group had 3,634 employees; the number decreased year-on-year by 19 people.

For more information on the results of the SLOVNAFT Group visit:

Financial highlights of the Slovnaft Group in Q4 2011 and whole 2011 (in mil. EUR):

 Q4 2010Q4 2011% change20102011
% change
Net revenues 981 1168 19 3496 4726 35
Adjusted operating profit / loss * 6 -47 n.a. 16 -55 n.a.
Operating profit / loss 25 -48 n.a. 68 -12 n.a.
Net profit / loss 18 -44 n.a. 44 -19 n.a.
Capital expenditures 33 36 9 100 119 19

*Operating profit / loss adjusted with current cost of supplies (CCS) Q4 2010: - 19 million EUR, Q4 2011: 1 million EUR, Q1-Q4 2010: -52 million EUR, Q1-Q4 2011: -43 million EUR. CCS is a method that is used in commodity-dependent industries. A number of companies, such as BP, Shell, use the CSS method to eliminate differences of various inventory revaluation methods (FIFO, LIFO, average) that arise due to movements in prices quoted, in order to provide shareholders and capital markets with a realistic picture of their business.

Production and wholesale (kt):

 Q4 2010Q4 2011% change20102011
% change
 Oil purchased  1460 1484 2  5543  6009
 Refinery processing total  1438  1447  1  5453  5991
 Domestic market sales total  408  398  -2  1573  1569
 Export sales total  1093  1059  -3  3982  4431
 Oil product sales total  1501  1457  -3  5556  6000 8

Contact person:

Anton Molnár
Spokesperson, Head of Corporate Communications
Telephone: +421(2)40 55 89 07
+421 905 393 161

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