• on 6 January, Dakar Rally starts its 41st edition in Lima, Peru
  • the expedition´s motorcycle and accompanying vehicles set sail to South America on 23. November, with SLOVNAFT Rally Team scheduled to fly to Peru in late December 2018.

The most successful Slovak motorcycle racer, triple European champion and a fresh 20-time endure and cross-country Slovak champion, Štefan Svitko, will be racing in the prestigious Dakar Rally once again in the colours of Slovnaft Rally Team.

This will be his jubilee tenth start in the world´s toughest motor race. The upcoming 41st annual Dakar starts on 6 January in the Peruvian capital Lima, where the race is also slated to finish on 17 January 2019. This annual race will also be unique in that the entire rally will occur in Peruvian territory only. The route length is some 5,000 kilometres, of which as much as 70% are sandy roads.

In this race, Štefan Svitko will also seek to deliver the best possible result. Following his last year´s fall, he is already well health-wise and at the moment fully occupied with getting prepared. “I am planning on making best use of the end of the year to get prepared. I would like to fly to South America with a feeling that I am prepared in physical and mental terms alike. I had trained the sand dunes ahead of us in Peru in Morocco where I had been virtually during the whole of October. I do know what I am going to undergo, nevertheless the rough conditions may always take by surprise with something new, Accordingly, Dakar is always the biggest challenge.”

In August, Štefan defended his last year´s win in Serres Rally 2018 where he won on all of the seven competition days of this Greek adventure. The hot Peruvian Dakar will put through their paces not only Štefan´s fitness and riding skills but also the motorcycle whose flawless running will be provided by MOL Dynamic oils, including motor oils intended even for extreme operating conditions.

Svitko will start with number 11 on the latest KTM 450 Rally Replica with factory support from the motorcycle manufacturer outright at the Dakar. Within SLOVNAFT Rally Team, Štefan will be seconded at the Dakar by the well-proven pair - mechanic Zlatko Novosád and Martin Kubačka in charge of logistics and information transfers from the current event back to home in Slovakia. Other team members proven through last year´s Dakar will include Dominik Žažo and Dominik Guláš.

Since his 2010 Dakar premiere, Štefan Svitko has taken part in all the annual races with Slovnaft´s support. At his very first Dakar event, he came thirteenth in the motorcycle category, becoming the most successful newcomer. The following year, he failed to finish Stage 8 owing to a motorcycle breakdown and had to resign. Two years later, he had an unpleasant fall and dropped out of the race just three stages to go. In 2013, he came in ninth place yet in 2012 and 2015 he took the fifth rungs overall. In 2016, he triumphed in second place. Last year, he untimely called it a day at Dakar after a horrible fall in Stage 10 and for an arm injury.

The Slovak representative´s fans can watch the current goings-on throughout the race, including interesting behind-the-scenes information, at: www.facebook.com/StefanSvitkoFanklub.


Anton Molnár
Head of Corporate and Marketing Communications
phone: +421 905 393 161

The Ekopolis Foundation in co-operation with the partner, SLOVNAFT, a.s., announces the 13th annual grant program Green Oases. The topic of this year´s annual environmental program is preserving our natural heritage and related tree planting. A sum of €60,000 will be divided among the best projects.  

As with the previous years´ annual programs, also this year´s annual program intends to respond to the current topics widely echoed in our society. The Ekopolis Foundation´s Program Manager, Milan Hronec, speaks of the need to devote oneself to planting trees: ”It is becoming increasingly obvious that climatic change we have not experienced to date immediately concern us as well. Prolonged periods of extreme heat and drought, on the other hand torrential rains. The development impact upon disposal of the existing verdure, particularly in the urban environment, needs to be added to this. In the countryside, another phenomenon is in turn noticeable - disposal of forest and riverside vegetation, and already of individual trees, including traditional fruit tree species along countryside roads. Maria Theresa issued a decree back then that alleys be planted along pathways, which not only designated them but also made people travelling agreeable. The significant landscaping impact of such planting is not negligible, either. Many alleys make up a major part of our cultural and natural heritage to date. Accordingly, the motto of the current year´s annual program Green Oases is: Let us plant trees!”.

The grant program Green Oases has already supported for 13 years now active citizens in non-profit organisations, local self-governments, school facilities and leisure centres in creating, renewal or revival of environmentally valuable locations and routes. The primary objective of the program is to promote permanent care of environmentally valuable locations that serve the general public, to encourage environmental protection and sustainability.

As many as 189 applicants became involved in the first round of last year´s annual program Green Oases, of which 107 projects were shortlisted by the advisory committee of the grant program. The program Green Oases is thus a visible proof of a strong interest in the environment and of an increasingly greater involvement by local communities. Inspirational examples include such implemented projects as a community garden at Vrbovec, a Garden Zone for immobile people at Olichovo, or a student-restored orchard at Banská Štiavnica that will serve in addition to learning courses to arrange for a variety of cultural and societal activities.

”Our intention is to get as many people as possible active through the program Green Oases in order for them to start being interested in their environs, to be keen on reshaping it, and not to be indifferent to it. The funds provided by Slovnaft are of importance, however the biggest contribution and success guarantee for the supported project is personal engagement by everyone who will lend a helping hand,” says Anton Molnár, Head of SLOVNAFT, a.s., Corporate and Marketing Communications.

The application deadline is 3 December 2018. The best proposals will be shortlisted from among the received applications by an expert commission in January 2019. For detailed information on the grant call and options of how to apply for a grant in the program Green Oases, see:  www.ekopolis.sk, www.oazy.sk a www.slovnaft.sk.

More information is also available from the Ekopolis Foundation Program Manager, Milan Hronec, at 048 / 470 10 95, 0911 452 457, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  • residents and visitors of Bratislava can use the service of shared city bicycles Slovnaft Bajk since today
  • 550 smart bikes will be available at 73 docking stations in four capital city districts - Staré Mesto, Nové Mesto, Ružinov and Petržalka
  • an unlimited riding program with a duration of up to 30 minutes costs 1 euro

BRATISLAVA, September 7, 2018 - The service of shared bicycles Slovnaft BAjk started today in Bratislava. A new form of public transport will bring faster and cheaper transportation within the capital. The joint project of the capital and Slovnaft was ceremonially launched by the mayor of Bratislava Ivo Nesrovnal and the CEO of Slovnaft Gabriel Szabó.

"After Paris, Vienna or Barcelona, also Bratislava has its bikesharing. Our city will get into the line within other more than 30 countries where this alternative, ecological and fast form of urban transport is provided. I am glad that our effort has brought an effective and modern bicycle rental system that Bratislava residents as well as the city visitors will use in the next years, " said Bratislava Mayor Ivo Nesrovnal.

At the initial start-up phase, 550 smart bikes will be available at 73 docking stations. The number of bicycles and docking stations will gradually increase in the coming weeks. During a first year of its pilot operation, a total of 750 bicycles and 90 stations should be in the streets in our four city districts – Staré Mesto, Nové Mesto, Ružinov and Petržalka. The locations of the stations were selected in such a way that it is possible to connect the users to cycling routes and transitions in the use of Bratislava public transport as easily as possible. Docking stations are located at a distance of approximately 300 to 500 meters. Locations may vary continuously depending on users' interest in this service.

Bicycles for Slovnaft BAjk were produced in the European Union according to the requirements of both project partners. Each bike contains a GPS in addition to a built-in computer to constantly keep track of it. A special aluminum frame ensures a lower weight of the bicycle and thus a more comfortable ride. Enhanced tires are more resistant to defect, and even in the event of damage, the user can take a few hundred meters to bring the bike back to one of the stations. Each bicycle was tested before it was put into operation.

The price for the use of the Bratislava bikesharing will be one euro in the first months. For this symbolic sum, each user will receive an unlimited number of rides of up to 30 minutes and a credit of 1 euro to cover the payment for the trip over the free minutes. After spending of free minutes, the bicycle is charged with 12 cents for the each completed 6-minute drive.

Using bicycles is simple and user-friendly. Before renting a bicycle you need to register at www.slovnaftbajk.sk and pay 1 euro. Subsequently, the interested party will receive by SMS the 8-digit PIN code for the unlocking of the bicycle. With this code you can then borrow a free bike and return it to any Slovnaft BAjk docking station.

"By launching Slovnaft BAjk, we are entering a new business segment and thus fulfill our company's strategy to offer our customers also other, innovative services. I would like to ask all people - cyclists, pedestrians and drivers to be eye-catching and behaving with respect for the sake of maximum safety on the road," said CEO of SLOVNAFT, a.s. Gabriel Szabó.

After the termination of the yearly pilot operation, both partners will evaluate the project and will consider the extension of the bicycle sharing service to other parts of Bratislava. Slovnaft has invested 1.5 million euros into the bikesharing, the capital city investments were approximately 500,000 euros.

  • Slovnaft operates the largest Slovak chain of Fresh Corner cafés
  • another 13 cafés and in the next year 48 cafés will be added to the current 167 operations at 253 service stations this year
  • over 20,000 cups of coffee are sold each day in the Fresh Corner chain

BRATISLAVA, 19 October 2018 - Slovnaft is the largest Slovak chain of cafés operating in service stations under the name Fresh Corner. Currently more than 20,000 cups of coffee are sold in 167 operations a day, and another 61 cafés will be added in December and next year. At Fresh Corner, Slovaks have been particularly fond of the quality coffee prepared from over 50 tons of coffee bean every year. The most popular drink is espresso.

Slovnaft opened the first Fresh Corner service stations in July 2015 in Záhorská Bystrica, Lučenec and Vyšný Kubín. Besides fresh coffee, Fresh Corner offers sweet and delicious pastries and snacks. Selected service stations also offer fresh vegetable, fruit salads and healthy drinks – smoothies. At the end of last year, this gastronomic concept grew with the Fresh Corner Restaurant.

Slovnaft invested more than 80 million euros in 2015 in its retail network, including modernization and rebuilding.  This year, for example, the highway service stations in Zeleneč and Dolná Streda were fully reconstructed.   Next year, Slovnaft plans to invest almost €27 million in the retail network.

“Fresh Corner currently represents the brand of the largest café chain in Slovakia. In the Czech Republic and Hungary, we also opened Fresh Corner cafés outside of the service stations and we are also thinking about it in our country,” said Timea Reicher, head of the Slovnaft retail network.

A recent Slovnaft survey focused on the drinking habits of Slovaks showed that coffee is an important part of the lives of up to 90% of respondents, who enjoy it at least once a day. Most people have their coffee right after waking up in the comfort of home. Up to seven out of ten people, when choosing a place to buy coffee, focus on its quality and then on the atmosphere and the price/quality ratio.


  • Slovnaft has installed at its service station on Prístavná street in Bratislava the first electric charging station under the NEXT-E project in Slovakia
  • by the end of 2018 four more electric vehicle chargers will be added at Slovnaft filling stations
  • under the NEXT-E project will to build up 18 electric vehicle charging stations and 7 ultrafast electric vehicle charging stations, many of them at Slovnaft filling stations in Slovakia

BRATISLAVA, 4 September 2018 – The customers of the state-of-the-art service station in the Slovnaft network on Prístavná street in Bratislava can use a new service. Slovnaft has installed here the first electric vehicle charger under the NEXT-E project in Slovakia. Four more electric vehicle stations are to be added in Slovakia´s biggest network of filling stations by the end  of the year. The NEXT-E project supported by the European Union foresees the development of a charging station network for electric vehicles across six Central and Eastern European countries.

The customers can charge their electric vehicles at Slovnaft charging station on Prístavná street using AC connector Type 2  as well as CHAdeMO and CCS DC connectors. Motorists can charge here two cars at the same time, combining electric current with a power of 50 kW and alternating current with a power 22 kW. The charging comfort is provided by the reserved parking spaces marked out by a specific green colour featuring a charging station icon. The estimated charging time per electric vehicle is approximately 30 minutes to charge the battery to 80 %. The service is currently free.

”Our objective under the Strategy 2030 is to provide people on roads with the best and most in-demand  services which currently already include the e-mobility support as well. We intend to transform also this way our retail activities in order to become customers´ first choice,” said SLOVNAFT, a.s., Retail Director Timea Reicher.

The European Commission has selected the NEXT-E project for co-funding via the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) under which 222 fast charging stations and 30 ultrafast charging stations are to be installed in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania and Slovakia. The NEXT-E consortium has been awarded an 18.84 million € grant to develop e-mobility and car owners will be allowed to travel across selected countries by the electric vehicles thanks to this integrated charging station network. The consortium members include the E.ON Group companies (Západoslovenská energetika in Slovakia, the Czech E.ON Czech Republic, the Hungarian E.ON Hungary, the Romanian E.ON Romania), the MOL Group companies (represented by the branches in all the six countries involved), Hrvatska elektroprivreda in Croatia, PETROL (in Slovenia and Croatia), as well as Nissan and BMW.

The NEXT-E project is currently Europe´s one of the largest e-mobility development project and has been awarded one of the highest grants in this area. Totally 18 fast electric and 7 ultrafast electric vehicle charging stations will be build up under the NEXT-E project in Slovakia. The instalment of all the electric charging stations in the six countries will be undertaken by the end of 2020.

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