• Since mid-November, Slovnaft has been selling exclusively winter-grade fuels fully adjusted for use in winter months in the network of its Service Stations
  • In addition to standard fuels EVO with improved characteristics, the offer includes also premium fuels EVO Plus which can handle arctic frosts
  • Customers can already find premium fuels EVO Plus at 210 Slovnaft Service Stations

BRATISLAVA, January 5, 2018 – Drivers can avoid winter season problems with a cold start by keeping their vehicles in good technical condition and filling appropriate fuels. In compliance with effective legislation, Slovnaft has been selling only winter-grade fuels adjusted for the trouble-free use in winter months since mid-November in its retail network. Under Standard EN 590, standard winter-grade diesel EVO is usable to -20°C. In case of lower temperature, we recommend filling premium fuel EVO Diesel Plus, which is already being offered to Slovnaft customers at 210 Service Stations.

Winter-grade automobile petrol with additives and motor diesel offered at Slovnaft Service Stations have utility characteristics that have been adjusted to challenging winter conditions, which will exist in the following months. Petrol contains more volatile elements, which ensure better vapourability of fuel whereas motor diesel contains the smaller amount of heavy paraffin substances, which tend to form crystals and thus foul a fuel filter up under bitter frosts. The change in fuel composition and convenient fuel additives ensure the better startability of a cold engine and engine operability below freezing point.

In addition to using appropriate fuel, it is necessary to keep also other important habits of vehicle care throughout winter. Drivers should check the condition of an automotive battery on a regular basis and use appropriate operating liquids and winter-grade fuel in the volume of the full tank because water can get into a fuel system as a result of condensation of air humidity. The bigger fuel volume reduces the amount of air in the tank and thus potential issues caused by condensed crystals of water below freezing point.

Under extremely low temperature, we recommend using premium diesel EVO Diesel Plus which is intended for arctic frosts to -40°C (cold filter plugging point – CFPP). The availability of premium fuels EVO Plus has been extended, so customers can find it already at 210 Slovnaft Service Stations across whole Slovakia.

Members of the loyalty BONUS club will get a discount on premium fuels EVO Plus in exchange for their points from January 1 to February 28, 2018. A precondition is a sufficient number of points on a card.

  • The first oil from the Catcher Area was achieved on 23rd December 2017
  • MOL holds a 20% non-operated stake in the Catcher project

Budapest, 27th December 2017 – Over the coming months production is expected to be ramped up in phases, initially from the Catcher field followed by the Varadero and Burgman fields. MOL Group’s partners are Premier Oil (50%, operator), Cairn (20%) and Dyas (10%).

Berislav Gašo, MOL Group’s Executive Vice President for Upstream commented: “MOL Group would like to congratulate the Catcher Area Development Project team for achieving this significant milestone. This has been a real team effort with challenging wells, a state of the art subsea systems and a new built FPSO all delivered safely.”

The Catcher Development lies in the UK Central North Sea approximately 180 km off the North East coast of Scotland. The development comprises three separate fields which are Catcher, Burgman and Varadero. The reservoirs lie in a water depth of around 93 metres. It is intended that the fields will be produced from 19 subsea wells. In Phase 1 a total of 12 wells have already been drilled, completed and tied back via subsea infrastructure to a new build FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading). Phase 2 drilling is ongoing with well number 14 being completed.

The build of the FPSO commenced in Japan with first steel for the hull being cut in January 2015. In August 2016 the hull was towed to Singapore to Keppel’s Benoi shipyard for mating with the topsides equipment. On mechanical completion in August 2017 the vessel was towed to the North Sea and installed on location in October.

The FPSO, which is owned by BW Offshore, is 240m long X 50m wide X 27m deep and is approximately as long as 2 football pitches. It weighs over 56,000 tonnes, has a storage capacity of 650,000 barrels of oil and is home to a workforce of around 120 workers.

The oil will be offloaded by tankers from the FPSO while the gas will be exported through the Shell-Esso Gas and Liquids (SEGAL) facilities.

  • Martina Darnadiová and Matúš Horváth became new member of SLOVNAFT, a.s. Supervisory Board
  • as their representatives they were elected by SLOVNAFT, a.s. employees

BRATISLAVA, 19 December, 2017 – Martina Darnadiová and Matúš Horváth became new members of SLOVNAFT, a.s. Supervisory Board. Slovnaft employees elected them at turn of November and December 2017 as their representatives in the main control body of the Company for the next 5 years.

Out of 2479 eligible voters – SLOVNAFT, a.s. employees, 1729 employees participated in the election, which is 69.75 percent. Martina Darnadiová and Matúš Horváth will replace Tibor Kaczor and Jan Sýkora in the Supervisory Board.

The Supervisory Board of SLOVNAFT, a.s., has a total of 6 members, with 2 of them being elected by the employees. After the elections, the members of the Board are György Mosonyi (Chairman), Zsuzsanna Éva Ortutay, Szabolcs István Ferencz, Slavomír Hatina, Martina Darnadiová and Matúš Horváth.

CVs of new members of the Supervisory Board:

Martina Darnadiová - member of the Supervisory Board since December 2017 as elected employee representative - candidate of ZO ECHOZ at SLOVNAFT, a.s., officer at the Department of Consumer Taxes and Customs Activities. After graduating from secondary vocational school in Bratislava, she joined Slovnaft in 1993. She first worked in Petrochemicals on Polyethylene Treatment department, later on Polypropylene Expedition and then on the logistics terminal in Bratislava. Since 2009, she has been working as Officer in the Consumer Tax and Customs Activities Department.

Matúš Horváth - Member of the Supervisory Board since December 2017 as elected employee representative - Independent Candidate, Manager of Fuel Production in Slovnaft refinery. After graduating on the Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology of the Slovak Technical University, he joined Slovnaft in 2005 as assistant to the Head of Plant 5. In 2006 he was appointed Deputy Head of the Expedition department in the refinery and in 2008 he became its head. Since 2013, he was a manager of the Planning and Optimization department and since 2015 he is the Managing of Fuel Production production unit.

  • customers can find the new Fresh Corner refreshment concept at as many as 113 Slovnaft Service Stations
  • 55 shops have been added this year, further 65 Fresh Corner shops are planned to be opened next year
  • Slovnaft has also started to modernize its restaurants at Service Stations, customer can try them at the Service Stations in Bratislava Vajnory and Budča, those in Zvolen Lieskovec or Rimavská Sobota will be added soon

BRATISLAVA, 21 December, 2017 – This year Slovnaft has continued to modernize its shops and expand the service offer for customers. The new Fresh Corner fast food concept that brings quality coffee and fast refreshment to people on the road is available at as many as 113 Service Stations, i. e. 55 new shops have been added this year. Slovnaft has also started to refurbish its restaurants. The motorists can try the new offer in the renovated restaurant at the Bratislava Vajnory Service Station. Slovnaft will carry on modernizing its shops and restaurants even in 2018.

Modern Fresh Corner shops offering top-quality coffee, sweet and salty fully baked bakery products and fast food have been available to customers since mid-2015. The offer was gradually extended by fresh vegetable or fruit salads or healthy drinks – smoothies. The comfort of travelers, especially of families with children, has been increased by kids‘ corners. Currently, Fresh Corner shops can be found at all types of Service Stations, i. e. at highway (e. g. Budča, Štrba or Malý Šariš in both directions), transit (Šahy or Trenčianska Turná) or urban ones (Bratislava Botanická Str. and Bratislava Bajkalská Str.).

This year, the total of 55 Fresh Corner shops have been added to the Slovnaft network; the last ones were opened in Nový Smokovec and in Sobrance. Next year, the modernization should continue, 65 new shops should be opened in total. The entire renovation should be finalized in 2019; then, Fresh Corner should be part of majority of Slovnaft Sevice Stations.

“Our customers have got used to the new fast food standard extremely fast. What the motorists appreciate are especially hot-dogs and tasty coffee. We have noted a significant increase in the sales of coffee and, currently, Slovnaft is not just the largest Service Station network but probably also the leading coffee seller in Slovakia,” Timea Reicher, Retail Director at Slovnaft said.

Fresh Corner is an international fast food brand at the Service Stations of the MOL Group to which also Slovnaft belongs. Motorists can enjoy the offer at more than 430 Service Stations in the regions of Central and Southern Europe, from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania to Serbia and Montenegro.

Slovnaft has started to modernize also its restaurants at 17 Service Stations. New premises will offer enhanced comfort and the innovated menu can be tried by customers already at the Service Stations in Bratislava Vajnory and Budča (in both directions) or in Ivachnová. They can also enjoy warm soups, burgers or a wide choice of main meals. The offer also includes breakfast, salads or sweet dishes. “We have not forgotten about our youngest customer, either; there is a children’s menu ready for them,” Timea Reicher added.

  • Energy company CM European Power Slovakia (CMEPS) will be taken over by Slovnaft on January 1, 2018.
  • Currently, Slovnaft is the sole member of CMEPS. After the integration is carried out, it will become a legal successor of the Company.
  • The integration will reduce costs.

BRATISLAVA, December 18, 2017 – CM European Power Slovakia, s.r.o. (CMEPS) will merge in Slovnaft on January 1, 2018. CMEPS Company will cease to exist without its liquidation by being taken over by Slovnaft which will become its legal successor.

The integration of CMEPS Company aims at reducing costs. It is assumed that the merger of both Companies will save several million Euro annually especially on various administrative fees which the Companies have to pay in the present day as well as on duplicate administrative and production costs, thus increasing effectivity.

CMEPS Company is located in the premises of the Bratislava refinery where it operates a heating plant that generates electric energy and heat in the form of over-heated vapour for all the production
and non-production Slovnaft sections. In 2009, the heating plant was integrated into a joint venture of MOL, Slovnaft and Czech energy company ČEZ and named CM European Power Slovakia. At the end of 2016, Slovnaft acquired 100 % share in the Company.

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