• Slovnaft currently operates 14 Fresh Corner stores, and they should increase to another 60 by the end of the year
  • Fresh Corner stores at Slovnaft service stations offer customers quality coffee, snacks and food for daily consumption
  • Within the MOL Group the Fresh Corner concept has been introduced in almost all the markets where the company operates – the Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Serbia

BRATISLAVA, 9 August 2016 – This year Slovnaft, the largest operator of service stations in Slovakia, is significantly increasing the number of service stations with the new Fresh Corner store concept. After opening the first stores in the past year, the company has begun the next stage of reconstruction or alteration of the original premises at service stations. A new offer of quality coffee, snacks and foods for everyday consumption is available at Fresh Corner. By the end of the year Fresh Corner stores should be available in more than 70 Slovnaft service stations throughout Slovakia.

Currently there are 14 stores operating under the new Fresh Corner design in Vyšný Kubín, Lučenec, Záhorská Bystrica, Dolný Kubín, Banská Bystrica, Žilina, Banská Štiavnica, Galanta, Moldava nad Bodvou, Ružomberok, Bardejov and two service stations in Bratislava. In July, Slovnaft started with the modernization of four other stores in Pezinok, Bernolákovo, Ilava and Poprad, the reconstruction of other service stations to start in August.

“After last year’s opening of the first three pilot Fresh Corner stores, this year we are expanding our new concept of retail sales and services in more than a quarter of the Slovnaft service station network. Customers will find not only a pleasant environment and quality services in the Fresh Corner stores, but mainly always fresh snacks and delicious coffee” said Timea Reicher, director of Slovnaft retail.

The offer of the Fresh Corner stores varies depending on the size of the service station. At some points of sale, in addition to snacks and coffee, everyday consumer products are available as well, like bread, milk and long-lasting groceries.

The Fresh Corner concept has also been introduced to other service station networks of the MOL Group, whose member is also Slovnaft. They are available to customers in the Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Serbia.

  • a new service station will be built with a unique design on Prístavná street near a modern commercial-business district
  • more efficient technologies are being used during construction, such as green roofs and heat pumps
  • the service station should be finished by the end of this year


BRATISLAVA, 6 July 2016 – Slovnaft, the largest operator of service stations in Slovakia, began construction of a new service station with a unique design on Prístavná Street. The new point of sale will be part of a modern commercial and business district near the Eurovea shopping center, the Panorama City complex and the Mlynské Nivy locality. The service station’s unusual appearance is designed by the architectural firm ALEXY & ALEXY

The service station is adorned with especially originally designed roofing with a strong metal frame. More efficient technologies are also being used during the construction of the store. Heating will be through a heat pump with the withdrawn water from the subsoil used for heating and cooling the building and then returned to groundwater. The roof will again be covered in greenery, which is not only aesthetic, but also environmentally beneficial. The greenery on the roof is comprised of dry-loving grasses that are easy to care for and maintain.

 “Our aim was to make a unique Slovnaft service station become a natural part of one of the most dynamic parts of Bratislava. In its construction we will use more advanced technology, which is not standard for service stations,” said retail director Timea Reicher.

The service station should be built by the end of this year and put into operation at the beginning of 2017. Motorists will be offered a complete range of additive fuels, including LPG and other additional services. Inside the service station customers will find an offer of snacks in the Fresh Corner, with a selection of coffee and fresh baguettes.

It’s also interesting that the new service station building will stand next to the Apollo Club, which previously housed the Directorate of the Apollo refinery, Slovnaft’s predecessor, destroyed during World War II.

As of 1st of July 2016 Slovakia starts its historicaly first presidency of the Council of the European Union. In the following 6 months Slovakia will become the centre of happening of European politics. During the Presidency one can expect important decisions to be taken on the future of the European Union. For Slovakia it will bring not only great opportunity to strenghten its position within EU but also a chance to be active in forming Union's operation.

EU Council presidency means also responsibility arising from fulfillment of certain tasks. Slovnaft company together with few other companies are planning to support functioning of the EU Council presidency as partners in the form of logistic and technological assurance. For the purposes of EU Council presidency SLOVNAFT, a.s. company will provide fuel cards and thus will be an official supplier of motor fuels.


  • all 41 former Agip service stations already bear the yellow-black color of Slovnaft
  • at some service stations, fuel pumps were modernized and all fuel tanks cleaned as well
  • former Agip service stations have been fully integrated into the Slovnaft network

BRATISLAVA, 30 June 2016 – The largest Slovak operator of service stations, Slovnaft, completed the rebranding of the network comprising 41 Agip service stations, taken over last year in the summer months. The company began changing the visual elements at the service stations last October and in the first phase it was implement at 33 locations. Slovnaft completed the replacement of roofs over fuel pumps and banners with fuel prices at the remaining Agip service stations this year.

At some of the former Agip service stations was also upgraded technology. Fuel pumps were replaced at a total of 13 service stations. At the same time, all fuel tanks were cleaned to ensure the quality of fuel for all new service stations in the Slovnaft colors.

Former Agip service stations now offer the same range of fuels and other products as well as services to customers as the original Slovnaft service stations. In particular, the availability of premium EVO Petrol and EVO Diesel fuels have expanded. There are other services as well for motorists, such as the loyalty Club Bonus or payment option using Slovnaft fuel cards.

Slovnaft currently operates 253 service stations in Slovakia. The Agip service stations were originally operated by ENI, whose business activity in the retail sector was taken over by the MOL Group in several countries of Central Europe, the parent company of Slovnaft.

About the SLOVNAFT Group

The SLOVNAFT Group is an integrated refinery and petrochemical group. The group’s key company is SLOVNAFT, a.s., which is mainly engaged in the processing of crude oil in one of the most complex refineries in Europe, as well as the wholesale and retail sale of fuel. Slovnaft operates the largest network of service stations in Slovakia. The company is among the leaders in the field of CSR and corporate philanthropy in Slovakia, significantly supporting sports, culture, education, youth and the revitalization of the environment. Forbes Magazine ranked the Slovnaft brand among the most valuable Slovak brands. The SLOVNAFT Group is a member of the international MOL Group.

Contact person:

Anton Molnár
Spokesman and Director of Corporate and Marketing Communications
tel: +421 905 393 161

During Europe’s illustrious, but at times fractious, history, there have been many pivotal moments. Right now, it feels like we are at another fork in the road. Since the start of this decade, Europe has been challenged – problems with the Euro, terrorism, migration, and now the consequences of a potential Brexit. As the debate around these important issues continues, the value of the European Union has been called into question.

At the European Round Table of Industrialists, we believe the case for Europe working and staying together has never been stronger. Our organisation represents over 50 European companies sustaining nearly 7 million jobs across Europe.

Our continent has benefitted immeasurably from our European Union. Since its inception, the European Union has been a force for positive change - economically, socially, in terms of security, and in terms of the quality of life. Over the last 60 years, businesses have flourished and families have on average become more prosperous thanks to closer ties between people and institutions across Europe.

The facts support this. The European Union is now the world’s largest economy and largest trading block. Today, half a billion people in the EU generate 14 trillion euro worth of gross domestic product. The European Union accounts for 16% of the world’s imports and exports, and has negotiated trade agreements with numerous countries worldwide. This scale gives us tremendous bargaining power in international trade negotiations, and the ability to defend our jobs and industries against external threats.

Market liberalisation in areas such as telecoms, airlines and energy has brought greater choice, competition and efficiency. Travel by road, rail or air has become far easier thanks to EU legislation. Consumers can rely on food safety measures that set standards for the rest of the world, while medicines on our continent are governed by common rules. Collaboration on industrial and scientific research projects has been facilitated by European Union initiatives, while poorer regions have seen their economic prospects enhanced thanks to EU funds.

The European Union certainly needs to be improved. The work is not finished in addressing the challenges the European Union faces. Of special urgency today is the vital need to cooperate across borders on security against terrorism and to address the causes and consequences of the refugee crisis.

Europe also needs an integrated and efficient energy market to secure our energy supply and to lower carbon emissions while ensuring Europe remains competitive. European education and skills training need continued improvement so that citizens can succeed in the labour market. Small businesses need access to capital and human resource markets across borders and we need to realise the full potential of digitisation and innovation to create a true digital single market. This will enhance the competitiveness of European businesses, large and small, in order to create jobs and fuel economic growth.

An unravelling of the Single Market and the rules governing 28 countries would reduce, not boost our prosperity. Investment and job creation benefit from a united Europe. And, while respecting the decision of the people in the United Kingdom, we believe that a Europe without the UK would be weaker, just as the UK itself would be weaker outside Europe.

No one Member State can tackle these challenges alone and the demand for the people and nations of Europe to jointly work through the European Union has never been higher.

As leaders of some of the largest companies in Europe, we call for renewed confidence in the European Union as the first step to addressing our shared challenges. Only a joint approach to common problems will achieve the changes needed to improve the living and working conditions of the people of Europe, especially for young people and future generations.

The European Round Table of Industrialists


ERT Membership
Benoît Potier, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Air Liquide
Nils S. Andersen, Group CEO A.P. Møller-Mærsk
Vittorio Colao, Chief Executive Vodafone Group
Jean-Paul Agon, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer L'Oréal
José María Álvarez-Pallete López, Executive Chairman Telefónica
Paulo Azevedo, Chairman and Co-CEO Sonae
Ben van Beurden, Chief Executive Officer Royal Dutch Shell
Kurt Bock, Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors BASF
Jean-François van Boxmeer, Chairman and CEO Heineken
Carlo Bozotti, President and CEO STMicroelectronics
Svein Richard Brandtzaeg, President & CEO Norsk Hydro
Ton Büchner, CEO & Chairman of the Board of Management AkzoNobel
Paul Bulcke, Chief Executive Officer Nestlé
Pierre-André de Chalendar, Chairman & CEO Saint-Gobain
Jean-Pierre Clamadieu, Chairman of the Executive Committee and CEO Solvay
Iain Conn, Chief Executive Centrica
Ian Davis, Chairman Rolls-Royce
Rodolfo De Benedetti, Chairman CIR
Claudio Descalzi, Chief Executive Officer Eni
Wolfgang Eder, Chairman and CEO voestalpine
Henrik Ehrnrooth, President and CEO KONE
John Elkann, Chairman FCA
Christoph Franz, Chairman of the Board F. Hoffmann-La Roche F. Hoffmann-La Roche
Ignacio S. Galán, Chairman & CEO Iberdrola
Zsolt Hernádi, Chairman and CEO MOL
Heinrich Hiesinger, Chairman of the Executive Board ThyssenKrupp
Timotheus Höttges, Chief Executive Officer Deutsche Telekom
Frans van Houten, President and Chief Executive Officer Royal Philips
Pablo Isla, Chairman and CEO Inditex
Leif Johansson, Chairman Ericsson
Joe Kaeser, President and Chief Executive Officer Siemens
Bruno Lafont, Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors LafargeHolcim
Thomas Leysen, Chairman of the Board Umicore
Martin Lundstedt, President and CEO Volvo Group
Bill McDermott, CEO SAP
Nancy McKinstry, CEO and Chairman Executive Board Wolters Kluwer
Gérard Mestrallet, Chairman & CEO ENGIE
Lakshmi N. Mittal, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer ArcelorMittal
Dimitri Papalexopoulos, Managing Director Titan Cement
Jan du Plessis, Chairman Rio Tinto
Patrick Pouyanné, Chief Executive Officer TOTAL
Norbert Reithofer, Chairman of the Supervisory Board BMW Group
Stéphane Richard, Chairman & CEO Orange
Kasper Rorsted, Chief Executive Officer Henkel
Güler Sabanci, Chairman Sabanci Holding
Risto Siilasmaa, Chairman Nokia
Tony Smurfit, Group Chief Executive Smurfit Kappa Group
Ulrich Spiesshofer, Chief Executive Officer ABB
Carl-Henric Svanberg, Chairman BP
Johannes Teyssen, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer E.ON
Jacob Wallenberg, Chairman Investor AB
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